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Cessna 310B Electric - Uravotch plans

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:28 pm
by Pingber
Here's the Cessna, almost done, but LOTS to go ... issues with syncing up two electrics, landing gear (fixed) needs re-bending, and WHERE to run all of the wires, etc etc ... but its been fun to build. For those of you old enough, you might recognize it .... think Nabisco Lorna Doones cookies and you might guess it ... alright, circa 1958-59?


Re: Cessna 310B Electric - Uravotch plans

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:35 am
by Pipercubjim
Nice 310... I brought a Bud Nosen 310 some 20yrs ago and now that I have more time on my hands, hope to finish this kit by summer. I'll post pics on my progress later after brushing off some dust from storage...Gotta decide on electric or gas soon. :?